What Should I Know About NeoStrata® Peels?
NeoStrata® brand professional skin care products are:
- The #1 recommended professional AHA skin care brand by physicians worldwide
- Recommended by physicians in over 55 countries
NeoStrata®’s superficial peel treatments are quick, in-office procedures that are performed under the supervision of a physician. They stimulate skin renewal helping the skin to appear healthier, plumper and tighter with enhanced skin smoothness and clarity.
What is Glycolic Acid?
Glycolic acid is one of the alpha hydroxyacids (AHAs), a group of naturally occurring substances often referred to as “fruit acids” because they are found naturally in various fruits and other foods. In its natural state, glycolic acid is found in sugar cane juice. Leading dermatologists and plastic surgeons worldwide have long appreciated the positive results of AHA treatments. Numerous clinical publications have demonstrated their benefits in improving skin appearance and texture. Improvements have been observed in patients with dry skin, oily and acne-prone skin, and with pigmentation concerns including age spots and melasma.
Many skin problems are caused by or associated with an excessive build up of dead skin cells that makes the skin thick and dull, and may cause clogged pres. AHAs help to loosen and remove the surface layers of skin, as well as promote more even pigmentation and deeper skin firming effects.
What is a Glycolic Acid Peel?
A glycolic acid peel treatment is a specific technique for skin renewal. During this process, a high concentration of glycolic acid is applied to the skin for a short period of time and then chemically neutralized to end the treatment. This procedure rapidly removes the damaged layer of surface skin cells revealing fresh skin, and stimulating cell rebuilding and restructuring of deeper skin layers. This procedure can help the skin appear smoother, healthier, plumper and tighter, with more even pigmentation.
How Do AHA Peels Differ from Other Chemical Peels?
Other commonly used chemical peeling agents include trichloroacetic acid (TCA), Jessner’s solution, salicylic acid and phenol. TCA, Jessner’s and phenol are effective in a number of conditions requiring a medium to deep skin peel. They are, by their nature, toxic to cells, and usually require a longer skin recovery period compared to superficial AHA peels.
Salicylic acid peels are used to improve acne, but are not known to provide anti-aging benefits to skin.
In contrast, AHA peels are not toxic to skin cells and are used as superficial peels requiring little skin recovery time. Usually done in a series of controlled superficial peels, AHA peels have been shown to provide improvements to acne prone skin and help reverse sun damage. When proper procedures and techniques are used, results with multiple AHA peels are comparable to some deeper peels, without their complications.
How Does the NeoStrata Skin Rejuvenation System Differ from Other AHA Peels?
The NeoStrata® Glycolic Acid Skin Renewal Peel is designed to allow maximal control of the peel procedure and better predictability for your skin improvement than with other glycolic acid peels. The measured approach of the NeoStrata® Skin Rejuvenation System allows your physician to help define and meet you expectations for improvements in skin appearance.
NeoStrata®’s superficial peels:
- Are fragrance free
- Are full strength
- Are physician strength
- Are not tested on animals
- Enhance skin renewal
- Can be combined with other cosmetic procedures
- Promote smoother, healthier skin
- Do not contain animal derived ingredients
Some conditions may make it unsafe to have a peel. It is important to inform your physician of the following conditions:
- Allergies
- Atopic skin reactions/eczema
- Rosacea
- Seborrheic dermatitis
- A history of pigmentation disorders (too much or too little color on parts of your skin)
- Recent anticoagulant therapy or circulation disorders
- Collagen disease/autoimmune disease
- Viral infections (including herpes simplex)
- Hypertrophic or keloidal scarring
- Cryotherapy/cryosurgery within past 6 months
- Accutane or other oral retinoid use within past 6 months
- Use of tobacco
- Pregnancy
Under certain circumstances, your doctor may decide to postpone a peel treatment. You may be asked to discontinue cosmetic procedures for a short which before and after a peel. It is essential that you inform your doctor if you have experienced any of the following conditions within the previous month:
- Active herpes simplex
- Warts
- Cosmetic surgery (sensitive/healing wounds)
- Sunburn or windburn
- Radiation treatment
- Peels, laser, light therapy, microdermabrasion or dermabrasion topical retinoid use (Retin-A, Differin, Tazorac)
The following cosmetic procedures can enhance your skin’s reactivity. You may be required to discontinue use or certain procedures a week before a peel. Inform your doctor of use of the following within the previous two weeks:
- Waxing
- Depilatories
- Masks/facials
- Electrolysis
- Hair dying treatments
- Artificial tanning/sun bathing
- Permanent wave or straightening treatments
- Topical exfoliators
- Loofah or other types of exfoliating sponges
If you think of any additional information in these areas that were not discussed with you doctor during your consultation, you should contact him or her prior to your peel treatment. For example, if you have a history of herpes simplex, you should be taking a preventive medicine prior to the peel. The peel procedure can bring on an episode of herpes lesions in patients with a history of herpes simplex infections.
What Kinds of Improvement Can I Expect?
Be sure to discuss the type and degree of skin improvements you hope to gain from the peel treatment program. Together, you can decide if your expectations are realistic and redefine your goals if necessary to get the desired improvements. The following are types of improvements that are possible with the NeoStrata® peel, please discuss with your doctor:
Skin improvements that may result from a peel series
- Softening of fine lines from sun damage
- Diminution of coarse lines from sun damage
- Increased smoothness in skin texture
- Mild or moderate smoothing of acne scars
- Lightening of pigmentation irregularities
- Increasing skin glow or radiance
- Some minimization of pore size.
Areas of the body where you may want to see improvement
- Forehead
- Browline
- Crow’s feet
- Cheeks
- Mouth lines
- Chin
- Décolletage/chest
- Neck
Speed of improvement needed or wanted
- Textual smoothening and improvements with acne prone skin can occur within a month
- Deeper textual changed require multiple peels. Noticeable improvements usually occur within 3 months
Amount of healing/recovery time possible
- No time, back in your routine the day after the peel
- A few days, up to a week
Acceptability of possible scabbing – yes or no.
Based on your discussion with your doctor, he or she will design a peel treatment program to meet your expectations, or determine that other treatment is more appropriate for you. Generally, the program will involve several peel treatments in the office over a period of time. The flexibility of the NeoStrata® Skin Rejuvenation System take into consideration the condition that the peel is being used for, the degree of improvement wanted, the time to achieve it and the acceptable amount of discomfort and/or downtime.
What Should I Do Prior to the Peel Treatment?
In you consultation, your doctor will recommend pretreatment with AHA products, Cream, Lotion or Gel. It is important to start using this product as soon as it is recommended, usually at least two (2) weeks prior to your peel.
Apply it once daily to start, then as your skin adapts to the treatment, apply it twice daily after cleansing. This will help prepare your skin for the glycolic acid peel while detecting any sensitivity that you may have to glycolic acid.
Because it is possible for some other products and cosmetic practices to increase the reaction of your skin to glycolic acid, you may be asked to slightly change you usual skin care routine one week before a peel.
What Do I Do on the Day of the Peel Treatment?
Go to your doctor’s office with a fully cleansed face. If possible, no makeup, cologne or after shave should be applied, and you should avoid shaving areas to be peeled. If you have accidentally used one of the restricted products or procedures, such as hair dye or an exfoliating sponge, in the past few days, it is important to tell your doctor. Your peel treatment might be rescheduled to prevent an unanticipated deepening of the peel, since your skin may be more sensitive that your doctor expected.
How Will I Look or Feel Right after the Peel Treatment?
Initially your skin may be somewhat red or puffy. It may take up to one week for the renewal and rebuilding process to allow your skin appearance to return to “normal”. During this repair/renewal period some patients have experienced some of the following: stinging, itching, burning, mild pain or discomfort, tightness, sun sensitivity, and peeling of the superficial layer of the skin. Light peeling is an expected result, of course, but not necessary to see the improvement you want. The sensations will lessen over the course of the week as the skin returns to its “normal” appearance. There may be some crusting and or puffing, particularly is the peel has been intense (deep). This should be allowed to heal naturally. Infrequently, swelling occurs; ice water compresses intermittently for 24 to 48 hours will diminish this. Analgesics can be used to treat any mild pain. Any changed in skin pigmentation, or uncomfortable irritation should be reported to your physician’s office right away.
Are There Any Possible Negative Reactions to a Peel Treatment?
The treatment process can possibly cause: (1) an acne flare due to deep pore cleansing, (2) a herpes simplex flare in patients who have had previous herpes infections (particularly if no preventive treatment was used) or (3) an acne-like inflammation around the mouth (called perioral dermatitis). Some patients may experience transient spots of hyper or hypopigmentation (coloration or discoloration) after a glycolic acid peel procedure. If these conditions are left untreated, they usually resolve themselves. However, you should inform you doctor if you develop changed in skin coloration.
A peel which is deeper than a superficial peel may result in the following possible negative effects: moderate to severe redness and peeling, swelling, light scabbing, post inflammatory hypo- or hyperpigmentation, scarring, risk of infection, sun sensitivity, and skin sensitivity/irritation.
What Are the Post-Peel Treatment Instructions?
Following these guidelines will help speed the renewal process:
1) Apply the Cream, given to you by the doctor, twice daily for two (2) to seven (7) days until the skin appearance return to near “normal”. Then return to your pretreatment schedule of applying your regular Creams, Lotions or Gels.
2) Wash the treated areas very gently using a gentle, soap-free cleanser, avoiding the use of abrasive or exfoliating sponges.
3) If your skin is very sensitive, avoid the use of makeup for up to a week. If you have little skin sensitivity, you can apply makeup without a wait.
4) Avoid use of products that may be irritation (AHAs, salicylic acid, retinoids) until skin has fully healed.
5) Avoid sun exposure, artificial tanning devices and direct heat sources. Use a broad spectrum sunscreen beginning that day after the peel procedure or as soon as you can tolerate it.
6) To avoid the possibility of scarring, please DO NOT:
- Peel the skin
- Pick the skin
- Scrape the skin
- Scratch the skin
- Expose the skin to sun or sun lamps
- Use a mask on the skin
- Wear tight fitting hats or headbands on the treated area.
Call you doctor if you have any concerns or questions, or if your skin is unusually uncomfortable, irritated, or lighter/darker in color.
What is the Timing for Additional Peel Treatments?
If you have little discomfort with the peel treatment, and a limited shedding/peeling of the surface skin a second peel can be done four weeks later. If you have greater discomfort and skin shedding/peeling with the peel treatment, your doctor will probably recommend six to eight weeks between peel treatments. The NeoStrata® Skin Rejuvenation System was created to allow flexibility in the timing of the peel treatments for you to proceed at a comfortable rate of skin improvement.
How Can I Find Out More About the NeoStrata® Skin Rejuvenation System?
Your doctor has the knowledge and experience to answer your questions and to explain the basics of the NeoStrata® Skin Rejuvenation System treatment program. |